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Children's eye conditions

Southampton is established as one of only three dedicated eye movement clinics in the UK, receiving referrals from many other Hospitals throughout the UK. 


child wearing eye patch New Survey, can you help? Occlusion (Patch) Therapy.

Have you ever worn an eye patch or helped a child to wear one? We would love your help! Please see our 'Surveys and Studies' page to find out more on this research study being undertaken by the paediatric team.


New app developed in Southampton to help children with their patching

Launch of new app video Eye specialists, mathematicians and games designers at the University of Southampton have teamed up to develop and launch a smartphone app aimed at helping improve vital treatment for children with amblyopia, a common visual impairment, also known as ‘lazy eye’. Gift of Sight is delighted to support this research, thanks to generous donations. Read all about it here and watch the video, featuring Southampton's Dr Jay Self and Joerg Fliege, who have led the study. 

An update on children's research into nystagmus

Southampton has established itself as one of the leading nystagmus research groups in the UK, led by Mr Jay Self and Ms Helena Lee.  Southampton Eye Unit hosts one of only three dedicated eye movement clinics in the UK and referrals are frequently received for patients from other UK hospitals. Jay's research team have put together a short video explaining some of their current research. Watch the video here.

Science Direct, who are known for their clinically targeted papers, recognised Jay and Helena as leading nystagmus specialists and invited them to put together an expert opinion piece to help paediatricians manage children who are presenting with symptoms of the condition: How do you manage a child presenting with apparently isolated nystagmus? - ScienceDirect



Jay and his clinical/academic colleague Helena Lee are both delighted to act as ambassadors for David Katz who is promoting his work with nystagmus patients through the David Katz Foundation. 

Please watch his inspirational video here.


Picture of Dan Osborne Dan is a clinical academic orthoptist with clinical interest in helping children with common eye problems such as lazy eye (amblyopia) and squint (strabismus). In 2019 he was awarded the Gift of Sight Clinical Research Award, which springboarded his academic career. In 2022 he started a GW4-CAT Wellcome Trust-funded fellowship and will split his clinical academic time between University of Bristol and Southampton General Hospital, researching how eye disease in childhood affects mental health.


Albinism Research - Helena Lee Helena Lee has been investigating treatment options for albinism in children as part of her ongoing OLIVIA study. Here she explains her research objective and determination to take a potential treatment to clinical trials in a video made in 2019. Updates on this research can be found in the Gift of Sight newsletter October 2023.  



Jay Self, who is both a clinician and an academic, leads the children's research team. His current projects are designed to speed up the diagnosis and treatment of diseases which particularly affect young children.

If you would like to help Jay's work please donate to Gift of Sight using the dropdown arrow to locate 'Paediatrics'. 



For queries please contact Ailsa or Jennie at Gift of Sight.  

For further details of the research undertaken by Mr Jay Self please see his University staff page.